Thursday 5 December 2013


Today we used the school's brand new tablets during our Literacy Stations.We used an app called Edudroid. It has lots of great literacy and numeracy games.
You can download it here if you'd like to use it at home.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Maths & Art Mash-up!

We brought maths into our art by creating pictures using 2-D shapes. We created lots of different pictures such as rockets, robots, people, volcanoes, helicopters, snowmen & animals! It was great fun! Check out our work below. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Mad Scientists!

To celebrate science week we had an afternoon of science in the classroom today. First we had to examine 4 samples of ice & describe how they looked, felt & tasted. Then based on the results we had to try to figure out what the ice was made from. We concluded that they were made using lemon, salt, sugar & water. 

Next we made lava lamps using oil, water, food colouring & an alka-selzer tablet. They looked really cool! 

While all this was going on we even had time to test out our construction skills using cocktails sticks & play dough! 

What a busy afternoon! 

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Mid-term fun!

Last Friday we made some very tasty chocolate apples. First we wrote our name on a lollipop stick. Then we stuck the lollipop stick into the apple. Next we carefully melted some chocolate in the microwave. Then we dipped our apples into the chocolate & sprinkles. Finally we left the chocolate to set. We couldn't wait to get home  & eat them- yum yum! 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Castlemill Disability Audit

Check out the photostory of the disability audit we carried out in the Castlemill shopping area beside the school. We hope you like it!

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Looking back in time!

We've been looking at our own past in history & we've been discussing significant personal events & dates. We talked about the changes that have taken place since we were babies.Today we took in photos of ourselves at different stages of our lives & sequenced them. Then we created our own timeline. When we were finished we had a look at everyone else's & discussed the changes. It was great fun looking at everyone's baby pictures & seeing how much we've all have grown!  

Thursday 12 September 2013

These are a few of our favourite things!

Today we had a discussion about our favourite things. It was great listening to all the different things we like. Then we practiced our cutting & sticking skills & created a collage of our favourite things. Have a look at us busy at work!